North Yorkshire Council


Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee


13 June 2024


Work Programme


Purpose of Report


For Members to continue to utilise arrangements put in place to assist the development of the Work Programme for 2024/25 and for future years and to suggest issues to be included within that Programme.



Work Programme


The current Work Programme for 2024/25 is attached for information at Appendix1. The formulation of the 2024/25 and future years Work Programme is underway and issues will be carried forward to be incorporated into that. subsequent work programmes.


Following the implementation of the Local Government Review Work Programmes have been adapted to take account of the refresh of Area Constituency Committees. An annual work programming meeting of the Committee will be held in June/July, 2024 and mid-cycle briefings will be introduced to co-ordinate and enhance the development of the work programme, and to allow issues of local concern to be identified and added to the programme. The mid-cycle briefings will involve the Chair, Vice-Chair and Group Spokespersons and will be utilised to set the agenda for the next meeting. Informal, virtual meetings can also be utilised to develop the work programme.


Potential virtual meetings can be identified from the work programme and appropriate arrangements would be made for these to take place.


The following issues have been identified for the subsequent Area Constituency Committee work programmes:-


Themes and topics that could be brought to the committees for ‘strong recommendations’:


·         Local Plan development (including the links with the National Parks and AONBs)

·         Planning policy engagement (including the links with the National Parks and AONBs)

·         Community safety strategic plan engagement


·         Local Transport Plan development

·         Health and Wellbeing Strategy development

·         Parking policy and strategy

·         Traffic Regulation Orders

·         How the services in the new council work – AD led

·         Economic growth strategies – development and implementation

·         Economic development projects that are in the pipeline

·         Destination development strategies.


            Annual reports:


·         Work programme setting session

·         Review of the Council Plan and how this informs the work of the committees

·         Schools performance and budget report

·         Adult social care performance and budget report

·         Housing development

·         Council budget report

·         Stronger communities report

·         Report from the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner.


Reports for circulation (only discussed where members have raised a specific issue):


·         Community safety (Police and Fire)

·         1/4ly performance and finance report that goes to the Executive

·         Grant funding and seed funding available to local communities.

It is suggested that the Committee utilises the arrangements outlined to co-ordinate a purposeful Work Programme development process for 2023/24 and going forward.


Schedule of Committee dates for 2024/25










(i)     that the new arrangements put in place to assist the development of the Work Programme continue to be utilised to prepare a Work Programme for 2024/25 and for future years


(ii)    that the dates and times of the scheduled 2024/25 meetings be noted.




Paul Preston

Democratic Services


June, 2024